Due to the consolidation of Regional Councils, there was a requirement to continue archiving a Local Council’s legacy users, in conjunction with initiating e-mail archival for all other Regional Council sites. As such the existing Enterprise Vault Environment in place needed to be maintained during the consolidation, and new Enterprise Vault servers were provisioned to archive the additional Exchange servers that were now part of the Local Council Infrastructure, an increase of 4500 mailboxes, for a total of 9000.
In addition, all newly targeted mailboxes were to be archived before their migration to a new centrally located Exchange 2010 environment which would also be targeted by Enterprise Vault. This was to include ‘Journaling’ (capturing a copy of all email received by the organisation for archival), while maintaining the ability for users to access archived email via Outlook Web Access – as well as factoring in growth of resources and data over three years.
A tertiary concern was to ensure that existing Enterprise Vault Servers were able to migrate current archives to the new Enterprise Vault servers, and that support staff and teams were familiar with the additional options provided by later versions of Enterprise Vault.
Once the design had been completed - the solution was implemented in three phases:
Initiate and deliver support training sessions for support teams and team leadersiod of approximately 9 months while they investigated a longer term solution.New Paragraph
RHE Infrastructure Services